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Category: Agreeganism

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There is No Going Back to Being Ignorant of Animal Products Once You Are Aware

Revelations and growth that happen when you expand your awareness are often expressed by saying "I could never go back to the way I used to be." That's a characteristic of choosing a plant based diet through spiritual and ethical awareness. The mentality required to go back to buying overt animal products would be uncomfortable and disturbing.

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Tofu Scramble Is Healthier and Smarter than Scrambled Egg

Tofu Scramble is better in all categories than scrambled eggs. In particular it's healthier. For many reasons the biggest and most important reason for you is it's 0 cholesterol. As you know cholesterol is one of the nutrients that is only in animal products and clogs arteries and causes high blood pressure in humans.

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Animals are Here With Us, Not For Us

It's a simple mentality change that our society is behind on: Using animals as a resource has created so much sickness in human society, from pandemics and obesity, to climate destruction.

A vegan and agreegan mentality switch starts the healing on an individual level, so that our entire society can heal from the lies animal agriculture has injected into society to feed off those who don't acknowledge the basic ethical foundation that:
"Animals are here with us,

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Limiting Belief Revealed by Anti-vegan on Live TV

People who are anti-vegan and pro-meat are not aware of their limiting beliefs. People who don't share their limiting beliefs see through their mental inadequacies. They look foolish when they make statements that reveal their small mindedness. Their defensiveness can be attributed to the concept that they have incorporated eating meat as part of their identity.

 » Read more about: Limiting Belief Revealed by Anti-vegan on Live TV  »

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Core Values and Dietary Choices

I will admit that I have a strong bias for a plant-based whole food diet. Primarily because of these core values I have:  

  • Health and vitality 
  • Truth and awareness
  • Compassion and kindness
  • Sustainability and environmentalism
  • Harmony and balance with the Earth

 » Read more about: Core Values and Dietary Choices  »

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How Fiber and the Gut Microbiome Influences Health

This podcast goes into depth on how fiber in plants effects our gut microbiome. It talks about how high fiber plant foods are the key to good health. More info on Dr. Will Bulsiewicz website:

The Plant Fed Gut

 » Read more about: How Fiber and the Gut Microbiome Influences Health  »

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Regenerative Farming Red Herring

I came upon a podcast by Paul Saladino called: Can we feed 7 Billion people on an animal-based diet? With Diana Rogers. Here is my response to that podcast from the perspective of an ethitarian.

There are some great ways to do farming and include animals in the process. 

 » Read more about: Regenerative Farming Red Herring  »

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The Food We Were Born to Eat

What is the diet of humans?

Starch. Humans are born starch eaters. This means we are health, fit, strong and thin when we eat lot of Rice, corn, potatoes, beans, lentils, pasta, broccoli, spinach, and all the other fruits and vegetables. The Whole Food Plant-based diet is the best choice for all human.

 » Read more about: The Food We Were Born to Eat  »

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Why Agreeganism
  1. What is Agreeganism?
  2. Why is it important?
    • The Meatrix
    • Compassion, Awareness & Freedom
    • Anti-Slavery & Cruelty-Free

 » Read more about: Why Agreeganism  »

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Iron from Plants is Better Quality Source than from Animal Blood

This article discusses why plant based iron sources are better quality than iron that comes from blood in animal products. Humans do not need to eat or drink blood to have a healthy level of iron. In-fact animal iron sources potentially cause too much iron which causes inflammation and a variety of diseases.

 » Read more about: Iron from Plants is Better Quality Source than from Animal Blood  »

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Cow Milk Is Much Worse Than Plant Based Alternatives

Here are many reasons why cow milk AKA Dairy is bad in 4 of the 5 major categories when evaluating it's value:

  • Taste is Subjective.
  • Health Issues associated with Dairy Products.
  • Ethical Atrocity of Dairy Products from Factory Farms.
  • Environmental Damage and Pollution is Catastrophic.

 » Read more about: Cow Milk Is Much Worse Than Plant Based Alternatives  »

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Is it Wrong to Steal Because it's Illegal or Unethical?

Imagine you lived in a community where stealing from others is legal. It's also considered socially acceptable to take from others if you are cunning enough to do it. If someone steals from you, you are allowed to retaliate or steal it back, But if they get away with it you cannot use legal action against that other person who you can prove stole from another. Society accepts it as the way the world works: You get what you can get.

 » Read more about: Is it Wrong to Steal Because it's Illegal or Unethical?  »

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CosmicSkeptic Explains how Diet Causes Pandemics

Another youtube explaining to the public that infectious diseases such as Covid-19 are caused by factory farms and a meat eating diet that sponsors these virus and bacteria breeding grounds. In this video CosmicSkeptic explains the situation in details and says: "it's about time we started taking this very very seriously." [...] "The answer may be as simple as changing our diet."

"All you have to do to bring about the end of this nightmarish industry,

 » Read more about: CosmicSkeptic Explains how Diet Causes Pandemics  »

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The Most Powerful Strategy for Healing People and the Planet

Ted talk by Michael Klaper at TEDxTraverseCity

The Physicians Committee combines the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

 » Read more about: The Most Powerful Strategy for Healing People and the Planet  »

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The Impossible Burger is a Better Choice than a Beef Burger In Every Way

The impossible burger is better in at least 4 of the 5 major categories when comparing food:

  • Taste, 
  • Health, 
  • Environment, 
  • Ethics and 
  • Price.   

 » Read more about: The Impossible Burger is a Better Choice than a Beef Burger In Every Way  »

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Covid-19 is a Symptom of Animal Abuse Caused by Eating Meat

There are some conspiracy theories that propose that Covid-19 was made in a laboratory by China that either accidentally or on purpose released in Wuhan. Whether that is true or not, the conditions for this particular Virus to mutate and jump to humans exist in the Wuhan Wet Markets. So in either case,

 » Read more about: Covid-19 is a Symptom of Animal Abuse Caused by Eating Meat  »

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Processed Meat is Directly Linked to Colo-rectal Cancer

The Statement "Meat causes cancer" is a bit of an overly simplified statement, that upon closer evaluation is correct on it's own, but there are other factors that seems to effect it such as smoking, lack of exercise, and how much fiber is in the diet. Like most topics to do with the human body,

 » Read more about: Processed Meat is Directly Linked to Colo-rectal Cancer  »

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Animal Spirits Attacking Human Society

Bats are the original species host of SARS-CoV-2 genetic code. In a way, our culture is under attack by bat spirit, due to our cultures involvement in mass animal abuse. In the case of Covid-19, bats in China put in captivity in close proximity to pangolins. Something that would never happen in nature,

 » Read more about: Animal Spirits Attacking Human Society  »

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Agreegan Dietary Guidelines

Agreeganism is primarily plant-based with exceptions based a holistic view of how the food is produced and what the consequences of eating or not eating it are. Those who choose to be Agreegan rejects carnism and declare that modern animal agriculture is an ethical atrocity on a mass scale.

 » Read more about: Agreegan Dietary Guidelines  »

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Vegan UFC Fighter Rashad Evans

I disagree with Joe Rogan, as he is bias towards eating meat and he doesn't really care much about the impact he has on the Earth and other beings. But he interviews all kinds of people. Such as this guy "UFC Hall of Famer Rashad Evans" who switched from eating meat,

 » Read more about: Vegan UFC Fighter Rashad Evans  »

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Ethitarianism - Ethics Based Eating

Before I switched to "Agreeganism" I was using the term: "Ethitarianism." I have abandoned that term in favor of a more laid back and holistic style of agreeganism. Here is the info on that I put together back in 2015 to 2020:

Ethitarianism is a diet based on the principals of consumer responsibility and morality.

 » Read more about: Ethitarianism - Ethics Based Eating  »

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Vampires Require Animal Blood, Humans Do Not

Imagine we lived in a world were humans had sharp carnivora teeth, like that of a vampire. Vampires are mythological evil monsters that pray on the blood of other beings with no compassion. Since vampires drink the blood of humans and can turn humans into cursed vampires, we fear them.

 » Read more about: Vampires Require Animal Blood, Humans Do Not  »

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Canine Teeth For Kindness

Humans have 4 extremely small canine teeth, much like other herbivores. The human mouth is not designed for biting or ripping flesh. The reason humans can eat meat, is because of hand made weapons & knives (not claws or teeth), and that we cook off the bacteria that could kill us or make us sick if we ate it raw,

 » Read more about: Canine Teeth For Kindness  »

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Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about it)

  1. Relate to the person who you are trying to convince. Let them know you're in the same tribe as them. Find common ground. Be friendly.
  2. Don't push your facts as the ultimate truth, and other facts as wrong. There are many facts that contradict each other.

 » Read more about: Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about it)  »

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