Beholder Logo Round
Beholder Sphere

About Beholder Sphere Spiritual Art Journey

Digital Adventurer Beholdersphere DrawingWe are all spiritual beings on our unique journeys. It is something we all have in common, even if it is expressed in very different ways. It connects every person with their higher self and innate wisdom. No matter what your religion, culture or belief system is, we are all humans who crave meaning, purpose, direction and communion.

Beholder Logo is a presentation of my artistic and spiritual journey as I explore the 22 archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. I spend between 6 months to a year on each one as I explore what it means to me and allow it to influence my perspective and behavior for that time. Each of the archetypes are related to the previous and next archetype, building from where the last one left off. This makes it an ideal guide for artistic expression and spiritual growth. Each archetype has a unique lesson that I will identify and integrate before moving to the next one.

Spiral ShellThis journey is a spiral. The end leads back to the beginning, but at a higher level. Each archetype has such depth of wisdom that the level of awareness of the person examining the archetype influences what personal lessons and areas of growth are revealed. This is not about reaching a destination, but about being on a journey that inspires growth and insight from study universal mystical wisdom.

Major arcana tarot cards rider waite

The Major Arcana of The Tarot as a Spiritual Path

When the major arcana of the tarot are placed in order, they outline a spiritual path with wisdom that builds on the previous card. Each card represents a different archetype that embodies the lessons of achieving a way of being in the world. By studying and embracing an archetype, unique lessons emerge that can be expressed in artwork, a story, or simply a quote or affirmation. Once the lesson is captured and expressed it naturally leads to the next archetype in order leading the person on a clearly outlined spiritual path.

These archetypes represent universal human experiences that transcend language, culture and belief systems. Whether each person is aware of it or not, we are all on our own unique spiritual journey. It is something we all have in common, even if it is expressed in very different ways. It connects every person with their higher self and innate wisdom. No matter what your religion, culture or belief system is, we are all humans who crave meaning, purpose, direction and communion.

The Spiritual Art Journey Through the Archetypes So Far:

Fool Archetype Drawing - The Hero's Spiritual Journey Begins with Flight
0. The Fool
Magician Archetype Drawing
I. The Magician
High Priestess Artwork by beholder Sphere
II. The High Priestess
Empress Beholder Sphere Tarot Art colored
III. The Empress
Emperor Archetype of Beholder
IV. The Emperor
Empress and Emperor Archetypes Together Colorized
III & IV Empress and Emperor Archetypes Together
Hierophant Drawing Semi Transparent
V. The Hierophant
Lovers Archetype BeholderSphere
VI. The Lovers
Chariot Archetype Artwork
VII. The Chariot
Strength Archetype Blue Glow Leo Lion Beholdify
VIII Strength
The Hermit Colored with AI
IX The Hermit
Wheel Sketch
X. The Wheel of Fortune
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